Below is the VBA code of two auxiliary macros for showing the folder picker dialog and cleaning the main sheet to be reused. Note that if you try to download large files or your internet connection is slow, the workbook might take some time to complete the download.
However, in any case, the message box at the end of the procedure will inform you that the downloading has finished. The short video below shows how the sample workbook is used to download two files from Dropbox. Motivated by some emails that I received from various blog readers, I decided to develop another version of the sample workbook.
As the above image shows, the updated version allows the user to define a file name for the downloaded file. However, apart from the file names, the user should also define and the file extensions ; for example, Test. The user then will have to add the extensions manually. The zip file contains both workbook versions the old and the updated ones.
The files can be opened with Excel or newer. Please enable macros before using them. Page last modified: September 28, Hi, just a little reminder : every compatible file, whatever a workbook, a text file or any other that Excel loads, can be directly opened in Excel from the net, no need to download it! Thanks to everyone who replied to this thread.
I solved my problem - I think I over complicated the challenge and that was hindering me. So I broke the problem into its most basic steps and that worked. And then I closed it using: Workbooks "smartLink. Close Job done!!! Again my thanks to everyone who replied and apologies if I wasted any time. Cheers Gill. Glad you solved it. Thanks for your feedback and for your kind words too.
And welcome back whenever needed or wanted. Martin Sprenz New Member. GillB I have been looking for that command for two months and it worked beautifully thanks so much!! AlinaS New Member. Hello, If the file is generated by a button ex download , it is possible to be automatically download using VBA?
Open "GET", url, False. End with But once the. Re: Download zip file from web and save to drive "C" vaisshali20 open your own thread! Replies: 12 Last Post: , PM. Replies: 2 Last Post: , PM.
Replies: 6 Last Post: , AM. Excel file posted to shared drive, cannot save changes while other users have file open By adoucette in forum Excel General. Replies: 4 Last Post: , PM. Thanks Christopher and other people here for your replies. Ben Geerdes. It does not seam to work for me. I always end up on the download page. Depending on your Url you might have to use? Charles Cole. You da real mvp. Dave Wright.
I am in the same. Can't seem to get it to work on PDFs which is the main file type I need. That worked for me. Chris Webb. Cool to see after all this time. Follow Following. Ms-Office Accelerators Join other followers.
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